Interview: Victor Ruiz

Victor Ruiz is a Brasilian DJ/Producer who has put his mark on esteemed labels like Drumcode & Senso Sounds over the years. Now he has recently launched his imprint VOLTA, so we caught up with him to find out what the plans are for it, and more about his recent EP “Pura Vida”

Hi Victor ! It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. What have you been up to lately?

Hey hey! Thanks for having me here!
Pretty busy to be honest. Tour life is back like never before, plus I just opened my own label VOLTA which has kept me super busy and excited. Besides that a few side projects. Feeling pretty good! 🙂

Congrats on the launch of VOLTA and its first release «Pura Vida» by yourself. What was your inspiration behind this EP?

Thank you. As a first EP for my own label, I tried to incorporate different styles of production that I really love to do. All 3 tracks were made at a different time in my life. “What’s that called?” is the one that represents the excitement of something new. Like the vocal in the track, is that feeling of anticipation and joy when you’re experiencing something new. “Veritas” is a more introspective work and it means “Truth” in Latin. It’s a reminder for me to always live my truth and be who I am, regardless of any judgement. And “Pura Vida” is a philosophy from Costa Rica that means to enjoy life beautifully. Like the beautiful and emotional melodies on the track, that was the perfect closure of this piece.

Can you tell us more about the label and the philosophy behind it?

Volta in Portuguese means turn. Or to return. And that’s the philosophy: to help people. Giving opportunities to new artists to release their music and to create a music community where we help each other. Also 10% of the royalties will go to different causes in the world, chosen by artists that release on the label. By doing that, the intention is to bring awareness to our scene so we all think further to help people in need.

You just hosted VOLTA Records launch party at the Amsterdam Dance Event this year, how has the experience of running a label been for you so far?

Boy, it’s stressful! LOL
The party was supposed to be more of a gathering of friends and it became something bigger with an amazing line up! It’s been hectic, since I’ve been planning the label since last year, so for now most of the work has been preparing and setting things up. Time will tell how the process is but one thing is for sure: I’ve been learning so much!

What artists can we expect to see on the label?

Lots of great fresh artists and some well stablished ones too. For now we have Lisa May, Tomas Otero, Ignacio Arfeli, Tao Andra and HNGT as the newcomers and then Thomas Schumacher, Christian Smith, Alex Stein, Drunken Kong and more to announce. 🙂

How does your studio setup look like?

At the moment just my MacBook Pro and Sennheiser HD25 headphones, but I just rented a studio space (FINALLY!) and then will start building it up.
I find very practical having this, because I can make music wherever I want.

What are some of the instruments that you believe define your sound?

Definitely the BASS! I’m a Bass player since I was a kid, so that helped me immensely to bring something different to my productions and to find my own sound.
Love those dirty bass lines!!!

What has been your highlight gig this year so far?

I’d say Time Warp Brazil in São Paulo and Baum Park in Medellin. Both on the same weekend. It was just insane. I love playing in South America. People have a lot of energy and passion for dance music, and they just scream and jump and dance and love! It’s magical!

What can we expect from Victor Ruiz and VOLTA in the near future?

A lot of hard work, passion and new things. The decision of creating VOLTA was to bring consciousness to our scene. We have to be more united. No agendas. Alone we’ll go fast, but together we’ll go further! As for music, just the same Victor that has always been evolving and trying to become a better person (and artist) every day.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer our questions, is there anything else you would like to mention before we go?

It was a pleasure. Thanks for having me.
Just a reminder to who’s reading this: you’re bigger and stronger than your challenges and problems. Your anxiety is always lying to you. You’re powerful. You’re beautiful. You’re loved.
Life is a beautiful journey. It can be tough sometimes, but it’s an adventure worth living. If you’re struggling, talk to your friends and family. You’re not alone.
Much love to you all!

Victor Ruiz’s “Pura Vida” is out now on his label VOLTA
Grab it here.