Getting inspired by a 1950s crime novel and applying that concept to their stargazing idealism to create a reality of their own, rock duo Blakk Mantra created the reality of Welcome to El Rey Blvd. Despite the fact that this EP consists only of two tracks “Perhaps We’ll Live” and “Queen Of Infinite Space,” the style heard throughout the EP is unique and mesmerizing. It’s no small thing to make rock music sound this fresh nowadays. The vast majority of rock bands are pulling the same old tired moves to stay on board, but luckily we have Blakk Mantra who continue refining their characteristic sound following their previous EP release -There’s Smoke There’s Dope.
Welcome to El Rey Blvd is an interesting record with upbeat performance and the melody both light and deep, which you can’t exactly leave after several listens. You’ll be back listening. And you will grow to appreciate it.