Freddie Gibbs Thinks Drake and PartyNextDoor Jacked His Branding

Freddie Gibbs believes Drake and PartyNextDoor jacked his rabbit and dollar sign branding for their $ome Sexy $ongs 4 U album cover.

Freddie Gibbs Insists Drake and PND Jacked His Style

On Thursday (Feb. 13), Drizzy and PND shared the back cover and tracklist for their highly anticipated new collab album. In contrast to the front cover, which shows the OVO bros posted up in front of the Absolute World twin tower skyscraper complex in Mississauga, Ontario, the back shows three female cartoon rabbits. One has dollar signs in its eyes, the second has earbuds that are on fire in its eyes and the third rabbit has hearts in its eyes.

Shortly after the tracklist dropped, Freddie Gibbs entered the chat and seemingly accused the OVO duo of biting his branding.

“Damn they even stole the rabbits too. I’m flattered,” the Gary, Ind. rapper tweeted. In a follow-up post, Gibbs shared a promo for his 2022 album $oul $old $eperatly, which also features a rabbit on the cover, and captioned the post, “$$$4u [heart emoji]”

Read More: Here Are Hidden Messages on Hip-Hop Album Covers You May Have Missed

To further drive home his point, Gibbs retweeted several posts from fans who agreed with he rapper’s claims.

“I forgot Freddie Gibbs be using the bunny with dollar signs a lot for his stuff,” one X user tweeted. “Yeah, Drake and PND just straight up copied that lmfao.”

“Using the $$$ and rabbit from @FreddieGibbs is nasty work,” another person posted.

Read More: These Are the Most Controversial Hip-Hop Album Covers Since 2 Live Crew’s As Nasty As They Wanna Be

Check out Freddie Gibbs’ tweets and see both album arts below.

See Freddie Gibbs Accuse Drake and PartyNextDoor of Jacking His Branding

See 50 of the Greatest Hip-Hop Album Covers